The Rs 6,000 crore Ponzi scam that created a nationwide sensation has now impacted Indian cricketers. Bhupendra Singh Jhala, the chief of the BZD Group, who allegedly collected Rs 6,000 crore from the public by promising high returns, is already in CID custody.
Reports suggest that players from the IPL franchise Gujarat Titans invested in the BZD Group. Gujarat Titans captain Shubman Gill, along with Sai Sudharsan, Mohit Sharma, and Rahul Tewatia, are among those believed to have invested.
The CID is currently investigating transactions worth Rs 450 crore, and summons have reportedly been issued to Gujarat Titans players. Based on the gathered information, further action will be taken. According to local media, Team India cricketer Shubman Gill invested Rs 1.95 crore in the BZD Group.
In addition to Gill, several other cricketers are also said to have invested. Shubman Gill is currently in Australia, participating in the Border-Gavaskar Trophy series. The CID is likely to question him after his return to India post the series.