
Hasina's Daughter Tweets: Social Media Attacks

Hasina's Daughter Tweets: Social Media Attacks

The ongoing turmoil in Bangladesh has been the talk of Asia nd especially in Indian subcontinent. Sheik Hasina, the former PM of Bangladesh fled Dhaka and landed in Delhi fearing the mobs. 

In this connection, Saima Wazed, the daughter of Sheik Hasina tweeted- "Heartbroken with the loss of life in my country Bangladesh that I love. So heartbroken that I cannot see and hug my mother during this difficult time. I remain committed to my role as RD". 

But the Bangladeshi social media is so insensitive where some are giving acidic replies to this post. 

A netizen replied, "After killing more than 10,000 people in her 15 years of tyranny, she fled to India. Do you feel proud as a daughter?"

Another reply is "So are you heartbroken that your mother killed 100s of students in Bangladesh? Don’t you feel ashamed to be daughter of a dictator?"

A netizen wrote, "It’s very sad you just woke up now . You’re psychopath blood thirsty monster mother killed & abducted countless students in last few weeks . And you are heartbroken after we ousted her and free Bangladesh from tyranny. Just see how people are celebrating it as second".