
Opinion: AI Cannot Beat Human Intelligence

Opinion: AI Cannot Beat Human Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is the most talked-about topic in the entire world these days, and there are many well-known people like Elon Musk who have been going gaga about it, stating that it would eat away all the jobs in every sector worldwide and make every human being jobless. But looking at the scenario, that catastrophe wouldn't be as big as anticipated, and close observation suggests that Artificial Intelligence, be it of any degree, cannot surpass human intelligence and creative pursuit.

It is true that Artificial Intelligence replaces clerical jobs, formulaic programmers based on computer language, and copywriters who draft a few articles based on given inputs and information.

Beyond that, whatever kind of training and machine learning methods are implemented, AI seems to be not capable of conquering human intelligence with regard to creativity.

For instance, ask the ChatGPT if it can write a novel based on a short story. It says that it can. But when given the task, it first suggests the chapter division and attempts a few words. But the fact is that we understand that human involvement is needed since it involves several characters, dynamics, twists, and turns, and the desired output may not be given by the AI interface.

Some low creative people or exhausted creators may feel that AI is really doing wonders. But that is not so. Whatever be the number of versions and regenerations that an AI platform gives, it is not sure that we get what is desired that keeps the readers in awe.

There are many AI tools around the internet today on various aspects, where all of them are dealing with morphing the voices, recreating the pictures, attempting to write some stories, poems, songs (only in English) kind of things. Beyond this, the threat for creators is not looming as expected. Because, machine learning cannot be possible with other regional languages around the world where, for instance, there is no tool around that can write a perfect song in Hindi. It cannot be possible even in the future owing to the intricacies of the language, vocabulary, and aesthetics.

Even if someone contradicts this claim, still there is no threat to the humans because, for instance, right now Google is not accepting the articles written on AI tools. There are many counter-intelligent tools to curb the invasion of Artificial Intelligence.

Recently, when the late singer SP Balasubrahmanyam's voice was morphed by someone using the AI tool, his son SP Charan filed a case implying for copyrights and royalties. It is certain that such laws would be implemented whenever the application of AI tools needs to be done legitimately and lawfully benefiting both the parties.

When the internet became a global phenomenon in the 1990s, there was a big threat of viruses, trojans, and malwares that resulted in data stealing and unethical hacking. Eventually, the Anti-Virus products have curbed all such perils. There was the Y2K issue at that time, which was projected as an international danger. But that was solved, and the years have been passing by. When the internet came, it is true that many clerical jobs were lost, and at the same time, the unemployment is also curbed, giving more opportunities to the learned students in the software industry.

Many say that AI shouldn't be compared with the software industry as it is as dangerous as an atom bomb that destroys all the jobs. But that wouldn't be the case; Human beings as a system never allow something to invade them. If something is really potential enough to create trouble, they know how to keep it in control legitimately, like how they kept Nuclear bombs silent, even if they are with many nations in the world. Like how terrorism is being handled worldwide to safeguard mankind, even the attacks of AI, if any, would also be curtailed efficiently. I feel AI would make things easier for human beings as an advanced feature but wouldn't really spoil the livelihoods. But one thing is sure: The people should upgrade themselves and learn the nuances and applications of AI, or else they become irrelevant and outdated.

Ameya Kulkarni