
How the recent elections changed perception

How the recent elections changed perception

The recent 2024 elections have changed the mood of the entire nation. While the Narendra Modi-led NDA alliance did manage to form the government again, the BJP could not get a majority on its own and the NDA is heavily dependent on its allies the TDP and JD (U), now. 

The biggest blow to the BJP has been a dent in the invincibility of the Modi-Shah combine.

There was a period especially from 2019-2024 when the nation could not envisage India without Narendra Modi, particularly after Article 370 was abrogated in Kashmir. 

It is perhaps not an exaggeration to say that there was a sort of panic reaction from the average voter when confronted with the hypothetical situation that Narendra Modi were to step away from the political scene. 

That has not transformed into ‘who next after Modi’? In other words, the country is no longer fixated on Modi!

When RSS head Mohan Bhagwat said that a ‘Swayamsevak’ should work selflessly and shun any arrogance or attention, he was clearly referring to Modi and probably not ‘off the mark’. 

In 2014, as the Prime Ministerial candidate, Modi had referred to himself as ‘Chowkidar’ or ‘Watchman’ of the nation. 

In 2019, he said he was a ‘servant’ of the people. In 2024, he said, his was not a biological birth technically and that he was sent by God to do God’s work. 

Clearly, a sea-change in his perception of himself. The public, though, was not amused!

The nation is willing to vote for a BJP-led Modi and their work but not for Modi alone. 

The infatuation with Modi is over and he will be judged solely on the work he does in his third term.