After the Lok Sabha elections, when RSS head Mohan Bhagwat said a ‘Swayamsevak’ should work selflessly and not take credit for his actions, everyone assumed the remarks were directed at Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
This led to speculation of a rift between the RSS and BJP especially given BJP President JP Nadda’s statement on the eve of elections that the BJP did not need the RSS anymore.
Yet, many from the Sangh Parivar downplayed the unease amongst its fraternity resulting in Mohan Bhagwat being given the benefit of doubt.
However, on Wednesday, at an event in Jharkhand, Mohan Bhagwat once again set tongues wagging when he said, “In the course of self-development, a man may want to become ‘Superman’, then ‘devta’, ‘bhagwan’ and aspire for ‘Vishwaroop’, but nobody is certain what lies ahead.”
For the record, Narendra Modi had during his election campaign had said, “I’m convinced that God has sent me for a purpose and when that purpose is finished, my work will be done.”
Bhagwat’s latest remarks are clearly directed at the Prime Minister and confirm the fact that all is not well within the Sangh Parivar. Mohan Bhagwat cannot be given the benefit of doubt anymore.
Till yesterday, the BJP had looked impregnable and none could imagine an India without Modi. But this rift between Bhagwat and Modi has the potential to spell serious trouble for the Sangh Parivar in the days ahead. This in turn means good news for the Congress.
For emphasis, we can recollect the opening lines from the Mel Gibson directorial “Apocalypto”: A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within.
Sridhar Adivi