Political News

Tughlaq Predicts Three Seats For BJP

Tughlaq Predicts Three Seats For BJP

Recently, senior journalist N Ram made a startling prediction that DMK would make a complete sweep in Tamil Nadu Lok Sabha elections and that Annamalai himself has zero chances of winning in Coimbatore. 

Given the kind of effort that the BJP and Annamalai have put in Tamil Nadu, N Ram’s predictions might naturally have disappointed BJP cadre there.

Against this backdrop, popular Tamil magazine Tughlaq has revealed the findings of an exit poll it conducted there of all the 39 constituencies in Tamil Nadu. For the record, BJP has contested 23 seats in Tamil Nadu.

According to S Gurumurthy, senior journalist and editor of Tughlaq, “In at least three seats, the BJP will be in the lead and likely to win. In seven constituencies, the BJP is number 2 and in thirteen constituencies, the BJP is number 3. But the most important thing is that the BJP does not secure less than 10-12 percent votes in any constituency. We estimate that the average voting for the BJP will be a minimum of 15 percent and a maximum of 20 percent. If this happens, Tamil Nadu politics will change forever.

Who will be proven right? N Ram or Gurumurthy?