India News

Modi's 'Olive Branch' to Bhagwat?

Modi's 'Olive Branch' to Bhagwat?

Of late, RSS head Mohan Bhagwat has made no secret of his displeasure towards Prime Minister Narendra Modi accusing the latter indirectly in his speeches of not acting selflessly (taking credit for work) and trying to become a god-like persona.

Undoubtedly, this rift between the RSS and Modi can have serious repercussions in future for the Sangh Parivar. The latest elections have proved that the BJP is not a force by itself without ground level support from the RSS.

Now, in an apparent peace offering to Mohan Bhagwat, Narendra Modi has lifted the ban on government employees from participating in RSS activities.

This ban was imposed by the Congress in 1966 and Gujarat is the only State in India that permitted State government employees to participate in RSS activities. Now, all government employees across India can participate in RSS events.

Sunil Ambekar, Akhil Bharatiya Prachar Pramukh, RSS issued a statement welcoming the decision of the Modi government.

“Due to their political self-interests, the then government unjustly prohibited government employees from participating in the activities of a constructive organization like the RSS. The recent decision of the government is appropriate and will strengthen the democratic system of Bharat,” said Ambekar.

It now remains to be seen whether this initiative by Modi will act as the ice-breaker between him and Bhagwat and put their relations on an even keel, once again.