India News

Modi Votes For 'Publicity' Than 'Advertisement'

Modi Votes For 'Publicity' Than 'Advertisement'

An intelligent and shrewd individual believes more in Publicity than in Advertisement. Yes, in economic terminology, Publicity is something that happens free of cost, while Advertising incurs a lot of expenses.

Advertisement is something that one says about oneself, paying for creatives, telecast, and streaming.

While Publicity happens with the word of mouth and third-party individuals who influence the population with their words.

It is true that BJP also should invest in Advertisement for sure, but sometimes that itself wouldn't suffice the need.

Modi knows the effect of Social Media which helped him become the Prime Minister in 2014.

Now, probably as a sign of gratitude, he called for a grand ceremony where recognition awards were given to all the significant social media channel owners who have been contributing towards tourism, health, fitness, awareness, economy, and many more.

Each social media channel has millions of subscribers attracting millions of views for each video.

There is no agreement that all of them should endorse Modi in their channel, but the gesture of Modi in felicitating them would drive them to endorse Modi-led BJP at some point in their channel with the right explanation.

The viewers who are already under their influence would develop a positivity towards the party. In fact, Modi's belief in Publicity over Advertisement is quite impressive and worth following by other politicians.