In a controversial statement ahead of the upcoming Delhi Assembly elections, BJP candidate Ramesh Bidhuri made remarks about Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra. He stated that if he wins in the elections, he would develop the roads in his constituency to be as smooth as Priyanka Gandhi's cheeks. The Congress party strongly condemned his remarks.
Speaking at an event on Sunday, Ramesh Bidhuri, contesting from the Kalkaji constituency, referred to a past statement made by Lalu Yadav about Bihar roads being as smooth as Hema Malini's cheeks, which he failed to fulfill. "However, we have developed roads in Okhla and Sangam Vihar, and similarly, we will make every road in Kalkaji as smooth as Priyanka Gandhi's cheeks," he said.
Congress reacted strongly to his comments. Party leader Supriya Srinath condemned his statement, calling it shameful. She alleged that this reflected BJP's misogynistic mindset. "Ramesh Bidhuri's comment on Priyanka Gandhi is not just shameful but also demonstrates his contempt for women. What can we expect from a person who uses offensive language against a fellow MP and faces no consequences? This is the true face of BJP," she tweeted.
This comment has stirred significant controversy, with many criticizing the BJP candidate for his inappropriate language.