Senior Congress leader and Lok Sabha opposition leader Rahul Gandhi has once again made sensational allegations, claiming irregularities in the Maharashtra elections. Speaking at the inauguration of the new AICC office in Delhi, which was launched by Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi criticized the Central Election Commission (CEC) for ignoring their objections regarding the alleged election malpractices in Maharashtra.
Rahul also targeted RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat, stating that Bhagwat claimed India's independence did not truly arrive in 1947 but came only with the construction of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya. Rahul condemned these remarks, emphasizing that the country has two ideologies: one rooted in the Constitution, which Congress represents, and the other being the RSS ideology.
He further declared that Congress is the only party that has consistently fought against the RSS's ideology for decades. Rahul highlighted that Congress's vision includes equality among all communities and castes, values enshrined in the Constitution. He accused Mohan Bhagwat of disregarding the Constitution and undermining the nation's struggle for independence.
Rahul also alleged that the RSS lacks respect for the national flag and constitutional values. He affirmed that Congress remains the sole guardian of the Constitution and described the new AICC building as a symbol of Congress's ideology and its commitment to safeguarding India's democratic values.