India News

151 Lawmakers Face Crimes Against Women

151 Lawmakers Face Crimes Against Women

A recent analysis revealed that 151 sitting MPs and MLAs in India face charges related to crimes against women with the BJP accounting for one-third of these lawmakers. 

The report by the Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR) and National Election Watch (NEW) examined the affidavits of over 4,600 lawmakers showing that 16 of them including two MPs, are charged with rape. Crimes listed include assault with intent to outrage modesty, kidnapping and cruelty. 

The BJP has the highest number of such lawmakers (54), followed by Congress (23) and TDP (17). The ADR and NEW criticized political parties for nominating candidates with criminal backgrounds stating that this undermines women's safety.

They recommended barring such candidates from elections, fast-tracking court cases and encouraging voters to avoid electing those accused of serious crimes.