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Twinkle Khanna On Safety Worries

Twinkle Khanna On Safety Worries

Twinkle Khanna reflecting on the tragic rape and murder of a young doctor in Kolkata expressed concern that, even after 50 years she still teaches her daughter the same safety lessons she learned as a child. 

On Instagram, she shared the unsettling advice she gives even to her daughter as never go alone, whether to school, the park, or even with a familiar man, as safety is not guaranteed. This highlights persistent parental fears for their children's safety despite societal changes.

To this, Shubham Kumar, a deputy superintendent of police, notes that while physical safety concerns remain the digital age has introduced new dangers such as online predators. He emphasizes the importance of balancing safety education with fostering independence in children.

Kumar advises teaching problem solving skills and allowing age appropriate freedoms to build confidence and resilience. He also stresses the need for open communication about both physical and emotional safety ensuring children can discuss their concerns without fear.