Movie News

TN: Actor Vijay Says Students To Choose Politics

TN: Actor Vijay Says Students To Choose Politics

Actor Vijay advised students in Tamil Nadu to consider politics as a viable career option sharing the need for good leadership in the state. 

Speaking at a recent event Vijay highlighted the importance of young and educated individuals entering politics to bring about positive change and development. 

He pointed out that the future of Tamil Nadu depends on capable and dedicated leaders who are committed to the welfare of the people and the progress of the state.

Vijay stated that politics should not be viewed merely as a power game but as a platform for public service and societal improvement. 

He encouraged students to pursue political careers with integrity and a genuine desire to serve the community. 

By doing so they can contribute to building a more transparent, accountable and efficient government.

His appeal aims to inspire a new generation of leaders who prioritize the needs and aspirations of the people of Tamil Nadu