Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Arvind Kejriwal has announced a new election promise aimed at tenants in the national capital. Speaking at a press conference on Saturday, Kejriwal assured free electricity and drinking water for tenants if his party retains power after the upcoming assembly elections.
Key Highlights of Kejriwal's Statement:
- "We have provided free electricity and water to Delhi residents. Unfortunately, tenants have not been able to avail these benefits," Kejriwal said.
- He promised that after the elections, a system would be implemented to extend these benefits to tenants as well.
Focus on Tenants from Poor Backgrounds:
- Kejriwal highlighted that most tenants in Delhi are from Purvanchal and belong to economically weaker sections.
- He acknowledged their struggles due to the lack of subsidies and vowed to address these challenges.
Election Timeline and AAP’s Goals:
- Delhi Assembly elections are scheduled for February 5, with counting and results on February 8.
- AAP is aiming for a hat-trick victory to secure its third consecutive term in power.
Kejriwal's promise adds a significant plank to AAP's campaign strategy, further emphasizing the party's focus on inclusive governance and support for the underprivileged.