Movie News

Cinema: A Life-Changing Passion for Mani Ratnam

Cinema: A Life-Changing Passion for Mani Ratnam

Renowned filmmaker Mani Ratnam reminisced about his school days, recalling how he and his friends would use the guise of studying to watch films together.

"Before entering the world of filmmaking, I was simply a movie enthusiast; I was drawn to the cinematic universe. I never imagined I would pursue cinema as a career.

I would often inform my parents that I was heading out for group study, only to sneak off to the theaters. I possessed a deeper knowledge about the films being screened compared to my companions.

I was familiar with the background details, such as the filmmakers, music composers, and cinematographers involved.

Your interest blossoms into passion when ignited by something profound. For me, that pivotal moment came when I watched 'Rashomon' at a film festival, altering the course of my life."