Movie News

Amitabh- A Tourist Attraction In New Jersey

Amitabh- A Tourist Attraction In New Jersey

Gopi Seth installed a life size statue of Amitabh Bachchan outside his home in Edison of New Jersey in August 2022.

Since then the statue has turned Seth's residence into a popular tourist spot attracting visitors daily as noted by Google Search. 

Fans of the Indian superstar visit from around the world taking photos and selfies and often leaving greeting cards and letters expressing their admiration. 

Seth shared that 20 to 25 cars of visitors arrive daily and many fans post about their visits on social media platforms like Instagram, YouTube and TikTok. 

These posts have significantly boosted the site's fame making it a trending online destination. Seth expressed pride in his home's role in showcasing Bachchan's global appeal and welcoming fans worldwide.