Movie News

Aishwarya On Losing 21 Days Of Raw Footage

Aishwarya On Losing 21 Days Of Raw Footage

Aishwarya Rajnikanth is the director who debuted with the film "Lal Salaam," featuring her father Rajnikanth in a significant extended guest role.

However, the film flopped miserably and failed to capture the attention of viewers even on the first day.

She confessed to losing raw footage that was shot for 21 days, resulting in her having to complete the film with only what remained in her possession.

She lamented the loss of complete footage that was captured over 21 days with 20 cameras.

When asked about the content of the lost footage, she mentioned filming a cricket match that appeared realistic.

Eventually, she managed to release the film by altering the script and editing everything possible to make it sensible.