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Do you know who the richest individual in India is, earning big with his YouTube channel?
He is Carry Minati (originally named Ajay Nagar), who started making videos right from his childhood.
His net worth as a YouTuber is Rs. 42 Cr at present, making him the richest young single individual to amass this wealth with his videos.
His approximate monthly income is around Rs. 4 Cr based on some reports. His channel mainly features roasting videos, comedic skits, and reactions to various online topics.
This high school dropout believed in making videos and earning, and as things are going well, he is not facing any pressure from his parents regarding his studies either.
In fact, what does mere run-of-the-mill school education do when he is already earning more than anybody around him, regardless of their age group or elders?
He wishes to continue as a full-time YouTuber and content creator for the rest of his life.