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Report: India Leads The World In AI Race

Report: India Leads The World In AI Race

As per the Cloud Complexity Report by NetApp, based on how different countries are using AI, it points out that despite challenges like higher IT costs and data security, AI will keep progressing.

The report, made with Savanta, asked 1,300 executives in ten countries about their AI use.

It shows that Singapore, India, the US, and the UK lead in AI, while Germany, Australia, and Spain are slower. Out of these countries the other source says that India leads the race. 

As per the above report, in leading AI countries most businesses have mixed IT setups but others are less ready. Sixty percent of developed nations' businesses are working on AI projects while it's only 36% in slower countries.

Gabie Boko, NetApp's CMO stresses that companies need to organize their data well for AI to work. Businesses in slower AI countries should move fast to adopt AI and stay competitive. Some progress is seen in German and Spanish companies improving their IT for AI.

Pravjit Tiwana, NetApp's GM and SVP of Cloud Storage adds that AI's success relies on having good data.