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More Than 550 Hajj Pilgrims Die In Mecca?

More Than 550 Hajj Pilgrims Die In Mecca?

At least 550 pilgrims died during this year's hajj many due to extreme heat, according to diplomats.

Among them 323 Egyptians succumbed to heat-related illnesses, with one dying from injuries during a minor crowd crush.

Additionally, 60 Jordanians perished, raising the total reported deaths to 577.

Temperatures in Mecca reached 51.8 degrees Celsius (125 Fahrenheit), intensifying the harsh conditions. 

Despite advisories to stay cool, many pilgrims struggled, and unregistered pilgrims faced additional risks due to a lack of access to air-conditioned facilities. 

The hajj saw 1.8 million participants with 1.6 million from abroad.

Heat stress affected over 2,000 pilgrims but Saudi authorities haven't updated the fatality figures. Pilgrims described seeing bodies on roadsides and overwhelmed ambulance services. 

Unregistered pilgrims including many Egyptians, faced dire conditions, lacking food, water and shelter.

This year's deaths follow last year's toll of 240, mainly Indonesians. Other countries reporting deaths include Indonesia, Iran and Senegal. 

Saudi Health Minister Fahd bin Abdul Rahman Al-Jalajel stated that health plans were successful in preventing major disease outbreaks and mitigating heat related illnesses through virtual consultations.