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Man Sued Apple As Wife Found Deleted Chats

Man Sued Apple As Wife Found Deleted Chats

A British man named Richard is suing Apple after his wife discovered his messages to prostitutes on the family iMac leading to their divorce. 

Richard had deleted these messages from his iPhone but they remained accessible due to Apple’s syncing feature. 

His wife upon seeing years of incriminating messages filed for divorce resulting in Richard losing over 5 million pounds.

Richard blames Apple for not clearly informing users that deleted messages on one device remain on others within the same account. 

He claims this lack of clarity led to the discovery and subsequent divorce which he believes could have been avoided with better communication. 

Richard's lawsuit aims to recover his financial losses and he seeks to turn it into a class-action suit inviting others in similar situations to join.

He states that Apple’s failure to explicitly state that messages are only deleted on the device not across all synced devices misled him. 

The London based law firm Rosenblatt is representing Richard is asserting that Apple’s unclear messaging practices are to blame. 

Despite attempts to contact Apple, he has received no response. Richard’s health has also deteriorated experiencing severe anxiety and panic attacks due to the stress of his situation.