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Kidney Problems With Fairness Creams

Kidney Problems With Fairness Creams

Skin fairness creams are popular in India because society values fair skin. But some creams contain harmful mercury linked to a kidney disease called NELL1 MN. 

At Aster MIMS Hospital, 15 patients with NELL1 MN were studied over two years. Thirteen had used these creams.

Between July 2021 and September 2023, patients with NELL1 MN were studied at Aster MIMS Hospital. Those who used fairness creams were tested for mercury. 

Eleven patients were tested and nine had high mercury levels. Even those who stopped using the creams showed elevated mercury levels.

One patient's mercury level dropped after stopping the cream. Tests on the creams confirmed high mercury content. Most patients improved after stopping the creams for longer duration. 

This is an evidence of the danger of these products and the need to raise awareness and take action to protect public health.