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Hatred For BJP: Confession Of A Hindu

Hatred For BJP: Confession Of A Hindu

There is a stereotype judgmental phenomenon that many associate with people and their loyalty towards political parties. 

Many assume that every Hindu, especially those from upper castes, support BJP and admire Narendra Modi. But that is not the case. There are many who dislike him for reasons related only to their individual traits.

When asked, an upper-caste Hindu from Lucknow says, "Many think that I am against Modi because he is not from an upper caste like Vajpayee. But that is not the case. I disliked Vajpayee in those days as well. I also disliked Manmohan Singh when he was the PM for the second term. I want to confess that I cannot see anybody in power for longer terms. I say that it is not good for democracy outwardly, but inside, I feel satisfied when someone who has been in power for a longer tenure loses it. It's my personal issue."

Though this is the confession of an individual, it applies to many people around. They simply hate someone for self-satisfaction. They don't have any valid reasons but yet they search for something to support their feelings.