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Bengaluru Drought To Spread Entire India

Bengaluru Drought To Spread Entire India

There has been alarming news about the drought in Bengaluru. 

But this is going to spread like a pandemic in entire nation as per the data available. 

India is facing a potential crisis as its main reservoirs hit their lowest March levels in five years. 

This could lead to shortages of drinking water and electricity during the upcoming summer months. 

In Bengaluru, the water supply has already been restricted. 

The 150 reservoirs monitored by the central government for supplying water for drinking, irrigation, and hydro electricity are only at 40% capacity with the main reservoir in Karnataka at just 16% which is alarming.

This situation reminds the situation of 2019 in Chennai and other southern cities when they ran out of water due to reservoir levels dropping down shockingly. 

With extreme heatwaves expected in April and May the crisis could worsen for central and southern cities as per experts. 

Water reserves typically replenish with pre monsoon and monsoon rains around June. 

But industrial and agricultural states like Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, and Punjab are also experiencing below average reservoir levels.

Experts warn of potential water conflicts if action isn't taken promptly. 

Last year's monsoon influenced by the El Nino weather pattern was the driest in over a century leading to decreased hydropower generation. 

Authorities are closely monitoring reservoir levels for prioritizing drinking water supply over power generation if necessary. 

We need to see how the authorities and governments address this potential danger.