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Apple Dismissed Over 600 Employees

Apple Dismissed Over 600 Employees

Apple removed over 600 workers in California following the termination of their car and smartwatch display projects. 

The decision was disclosed by the company with the California Employment Development Department, as reported by Bloomberg. 

These projects were halted in February due to various challenges.

The car project was scrapped because executives could not agree on its direction and the company had concerns about costs. 

Similarly the display program faced difficulties with engineering, suppliers, and costs. 

Most of the layoffs which are around 371 have occurred at Apple's main car-related office in Santa Clara. Other satellite offices were also affected.

Some employees from the car project were transferred to other teams like artificial intelligence or personal robotics while many were sacked. 

This recent round of layoffs follows Apple's previous workforce reduction in April 2023 which targeted roles in corporate retail. 

Before that the company had cut positions in teams responsible for constructing and maintaining Apple retail stores worldwide.