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It should be recalled how Will Smith, the Hollywood actor said high about Mahabharata and Bhagavadgeeta when he toured India in 2017 during the promotion of his film 'Bright'.
He credited the Bhagavad Gita and Arjuna's narrative in the Mahabharata for providing clarity on his life's purpose.
Now freshly he said about Holy Quran and how it is inspiring him and cleansing him from inside.
"I devoted myself to reading the Quran cover to cover during last year's Ramadan. This phase of my life is dedicated to fostering a broad, compassionate heart," Smith shared.
He further praised the Quran's simplicity, describing it as exceptionally lucid. Expounding on a Quranic principle, he underscored the concept of individual accountability, which he has integrated into his approach to parenting, fostering his children's sense of responsibility for their actions and decisions.