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30% Of IIT Graduates Find No Jobs

30% Of IIT Graduates Find No Jobs

The world has seen how Bachelor of Arts and Commerce degrees held value until the 1960s. Only a few used to hold that degree, and whoever held it would have obtained a respectable government job. 

Then came the Engineering revolution in the 1970s and 80s, where only Engineering graduates were regarded as job-worthy, whether in government or top private industries.

Then came the IT revolution, pushing back BAs and BComs, and even in Engineering, only IT and Computer streams had value. 

The glory of IITs also peaked during this time. But suddenly, it appears IITs are losing their charm and demand in the job market.

The latest post by IIT Bombay reveals, "Lately, there has been news that over 30% of IITB students do not get jobs! An exit survey among graduating students in 2022-23 says only 6.1% are still looking for jobs".

This is the era of Artificial Intelligence, where individual skills, knowledge, and smart work have become the criteria to get a job, rather than a degree from a reputed university. 

The volatile technological advancement and the quick result-oriented market are not looking at any seasoned graduates from IITs or IIMs, but only at smart minds for jobs now.

Though an IIT degree is still respected, the present scenario suggests it might lose its value anytime soon.